
    Product Price Stock status  
set of four transoms Set of four oak trapezoidal transoms 660,00 INCL. TAX (VAT 20%) / Lot In stock Ajouter au devis
Art nouveau window Art nouveau window 600,00 INCL. TAX (VAT 20%) In stock Ajouter au devis
Pair of pink shutters 94x188.5 back Pair of pink shutters 94x188.5 cm 220,00 INCL. TAX (VAT 20%) In stock Ajouter au devis
Pair of blue shutters with frame 163x105 cm front Pair of blue shutters with frame 105x163 cm 495,00 INCL. TAX (VAT 20%) / piece In stock Ajouter au devis
Pair of oak shutters Pair of pickled oak shutters 245*115 cm 660,00 INCL. TAX (VAT 20%) In stock Ajouter au devis
industrial lamp 1 Industrial sconce lamp 88,00 INCL. TAX (VAT 20%) / Piece In stock Ajouter au devis
vintage lamp Vintage hanging lamp 935,00 INCL. TAX (VAT 20%) In stock Ajouter au devis
70s chandelier 70's chandelier with integrated speakers 1 500,00 2 200,00 INCL. TAX (VAT 20%) In stock Ajouter au devis
Industrial lighting Industrial lighting 495,00 INCL. TAX (VAT 20%) In stock Ajouter au devis
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